Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A living Sacrifice

Listening to this song, I’m reminded that when I go through tough times, and life is very very hard and I am utterly shattered and broken... that I actually ASKED for this!!! What???

I didn’t ask to go through specific hardships.
I didn’t ask to be abused.
I didn’t ask to be raped.
I didn’t ask for my husband to leave me.
I didn’t want to be divorced.
I didn’t ask to lose everything.
I didn’t ask to face homelessness.
I didn’t ask for close loved ones to die or be killed.
I didn’t ask for my serious health issues.
I didn’t ask for my brain injury.
I didn’t want to feel so spent and tired.

But I have said; Lord Refine me. Mold me.
I did surrender and say “You are the potter.”
I did say, “Lord have your way.”
I did say “I will follow you, no matter what”
I did say “Lord I am yours.”

I remember that time I committed my life to Christ and said “You can have your way with me.”
I did say I would be a living sacrifice.

So all I have been through and have yet to go through, is in essence, the culmination of God answering prayers, meeting me and pruning.


I think that’s why I read Psalm 145 out loud every day. There’s a lot of meat in it.

But the cliffs notes:

He is God.
He is Holy.
He is Powerful.
He is Mighty.
He is BIG.
He is Strong.
He is Just.
He is Creator
He is Righteous
He is Good.
He is Kind
He is Forgiving
He Lifts Us
He Stays with us
He answers us.
He Is Faithful.
He will satisfy

And there is this balance in the tension of all those truths. It’s not one or the other. It’s all of it.


Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Decade of Change ...

... a Picture of Hope. 

As we approach the end of this decade, I wanted to take a look back at all that has happened since 2010. These brief “titles” don’t begin to describe the enormous impact some of these events had on my life. The tremendous pain, confusion, fear and instability they had at times. And sometimes immense pride and Joy! A true roller coaster. 
Some of these things lasted a year or more... and not everything is of course mentioned; this isn’t an exhaustive list, just the “highlights”. 

*Moved 5 times 
*Moved across the country 
*Sold a house 
*Lived with & survived physical, emotional and spiritual abuse! 
*Discovered & Forgave infidelities 
*I Got divorced 
*I Got remarried 
*Have held 9 different jobs 
*Had 4 kids graduate High School
*Had 2 kids graduate College
*Had kiddo’s, do homeschooling, Online School and drop out of school. 
*Traveled out of state 24 times 
*Traveled out of country 3 times 
*Healed from/forgave a plethora of Childhood Trauma and found a new freedom. 
*Had 2 kids get married 
*Got “lost” for a summer, and then was found. Amazing Grace. 
*Been in the Emergency Room 4 times w/ serious illness or injury. 
*Got some training/certification to be a counselor
*Learned to love and like myself 
*Ruptured my Achilles Tendon 
*Learned to set good and healthy boundaries 
*Discovered 2 new life threatening allergies 
*Spent 3 months with boils all over my body (caused by Strep) 
*Had fun dating half a dozen really great (some gorgeous & very successful) men. 
*lost 50 pounds 
*Gained 50 pounds 
*Lost 7 close relatives 
*Lost 4 close friends 
*Faced Homelessness 3 times. 
*Was assaulted at one of my workplaces #Metoo 
*Spent countless hours & hours at various beaches. 
*Made half a dozen good friends. 
*Almost lost a daughter. THREE times. 
*Memorized Several chapters in the Bible 

Life changes so fast. 

If you were to ask me 10 years ago, “where will you be in 10 years?” Almost all of these things would never have crossed my mind. 

Life changed from year to year! With different homes, jobs, kids in different schools-even type of school, different friends in and out of my life, Different illnesses, and so on. Not one year looked the same as the last. 

Now I’m a stay at home mom, living in a large beautiful house on a lake, in a whole new state-married to the man of my dreams. 

People get “Stuck” in their circumstances. They feel like nothing will ever change. They get depressed and/or anxious about their future. 

The truth is, when you look back... that’s when you realize how strong you are. How far you’ve come! No matter how small, how insignificant or subtle it may be. Change happens. It’s your decision how you respond to it, and wether it’s a change for your good or for your demise. It’s about perspective. 

EMBRACE the Change. Get Unstuck! Just put one foot in front of the other. But keep going. Don’t give up! You’re worth it. POKOPO. 

Phil. 4:13 
Phil. 3:14 
Heb. 12:1-2

Cheers to the next Decade! Whatever it may bring. 

Thursday, November 07, 2019

Reframe: Stressor > Triggers

In your recovery & healing journey, you may have heard the word “trigger” used quite frequently. 

I learned (Thanks to Mary Ellen Copeland Foundation & W.R.A.P.) recently to change the term to “Stressor” & here’s why: 

Trigger: like that used in a gun, is a strong and powerful term used to identify the visceral feelings our bodies & minds go through when we are faced directly or indirectly with a memory of an incident or a person/place/object involved in said incident. 

But what happens when you pull the trigger of a gun? The bullet shoots, and it’s force is destructive. Regardless of what it hits, paper, soft object, target etc. it will destroy whatever it comes in contact with on impact. More over, you can’t stop the bullet from its trajectory once it’s released from the gun. Lastly, you can’t put a used bullet back inside the gun. Once you pull the trigger that’s it! No changing course, no changing the outcome. 

But that is not the case with Trauma & “Stressors”: 

We deal with a plethora of stressors every single day! Some more significant than others. And 100% of the time we somehow manage to cope and deal and overcome every single stressor we face, daily!! 

EVEN THE EVENTS FROM THE PAST THAT YOU EXPERIENCED. You survived it, you lived through the actual event, once already! So when faced when a memory, or a person directly or indirectly, you WILL Survive that too! 

You might say but the term “Stressor”
Isn’t a strong enough word to describe the impact my “Triggers” have on me... 

The term “Stressor” minimizes the impact on purpose. By changing the term and language in our own minds when faced with our (now called) Stressors - it immediately **empowers** us and reminds us, we CAN overcome, as we do with every other Stressor everyday, we can change the trajectory AND the outcome!! It does not *have* to destroy you. Not even for a moment. 

That Stressor does not control me. My body and my mind may continue to have an immediate and unexpected visceral response... but I get to control how I will cope, to overcome that response and more importantly to what degree I will continue to let that Stressor have power over me!! 

E.G. “... this situation stresses me out! (Instead of ‘Triggers Me’) What will I do to release and reduce the stress?” ... then use your wellness tools. (Don’t have Wellness Tools? Ask me!) I acknowledge that, it’s “not that simple”, and those physical responses happen so quickly we often don’t have time to think through our reaction. But training ourselves now-before the incident will help. And continuing to practice this every time, will make it easier and easier to become our new “normal” “go-to” response.  

(W.R.A.P. Is a SAMHSA Evidenced Based Tool to help you feel better and stay better. Developed by Mary Ellen Copeland). 

You are stronger than you know & braver than you believe. 

You have *already* survived 100% of everything you’ve been through. You will survive Stressors too! 

Phil. 4:13 

Friday, November 01, 2019

Hi. I’m Mia, and I’m an Introvert.

MYTHS & MISCONCEPTIONS about Introverts: 

1. They don’t like people. (This may be true for some but not most) 
2. They’re “Shy”. 
3. They lack good social skills 
4. They don’t get lonely. 
5. They don’t know how to have “fun”. 
6. Something is *wrong* with them/they’re depressed. 

I love people. In general. I enjoy talking to and getting to know people; I think everyone has a story and everyone is valuable and important. But I don’t prefer “crowds” and I don’t like being the center of attention. Give me an intimate setting for a *short* amount of time. 👌🏽 golden. My closest friends know I am the one who skips weddings, funerals, celebrations of almost any kind if I think I can get away with it & it’s nothing personal to the folks of honor. 

Anyone who knows me, knows I am not shy. I have no fear, and am typically the one who talks first, will introduce myself and try and make others feel welcome. But I do feel like I am “on”. And it requires a ton of effort. Being so friendly- especially for an extended period of time, drains me and can sometimes even take days to recover. This is the same with public speaking. I can do it. And am told I’m great at it. But it’s not an enjoyable experience & requires that being “on”. 

Again, I would like to think that my friends/family/coworkers would agree I have decent social skills. I know how to carry on a conversation, ask thoughtful questions, and segue when necessary to end the conversation politely. Sometimes I even do most of the talking!! (Shocking I know) 

One of the biggest challenges I personally have as an strong introvert is that I simultaneously get very lonely and want companionship and company; and yet want to be in my own home and actually *Need* frequent alone time. Again, this is where having a couple of *close* friends over for a *short* amount of time maybe a couple times per week is my “sweet-spot”. Since this rarely is possible... I am often just alone and lonely. 

Fun is in the eye of the beholder. I love having fun! One-on-one with my husband, at home watching a
Movie. Or over the phone cackling at my little sisters anecdotes. Or at monthly “Family Game Night” with my adult kids, in my own home. Occasionally I will enjoy getting dressed up and going out to a club or event or friends BBQ- because my husband loves to do those things- but this is maybe 3 or 4 times per year. I “join in” on whatever is going on and fully engage in it, and I have fun. But don’t be surprised if we leave early or decline the next few invites, still recovering from the last social event. 

Sometimes when I isolate, go off-grid, or otherwise just don’t seem available and approachable... I am just emotionally and physically SPENT. I am fine. I am not depressed. Nothing is “wrong” and I am content and happy with my life. But I need to refocus, refresh, regenerate energy and recuperate from previous engagements. Sometimes the irony, is that when I am trying to isolate and kind of slow down... is when people begin to “worry” and so insert themselves even more into my life. I have had to explain myself so many times, I have had to apologize for offending people who take it personally and I have frequently having to set very good and hard boundaries. It’s a conundrum. Please do not take offense or take it personally if I don’t feel like returning your text, or if I decline your invite. 

Lastly, I think one thing that bothers me is the invalidation I get as an introvert. Because I am not shy, and am friendly and sociable, people have expectations of me that aren’t reasonable and ask things of me I am not able to give. When I tell them I am an introvert- I have heard “No you’re wrong. You need to take the assessment again. There’s no way you’re an introvert.” Or “Really? I had no idea, you don’t seem shy, I would never have known, ... well anyway, can you volunteer for _____” completely dismissing my explanation of why I’m isolating or saying No etc. I feel often that I have to somehow “prove” my introvertedness. 

Hopefully this article helps clear up some of these issues and questions. 

There you have it. My personal perspective on being an introvert. 

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Mia = Mine

Been awhile since I did one of these “Powell Paraphrases”.

But I was WEEPING this morning during my devo’s, as I read through Isaiah 43-44. (ESV) These are chapters I’ve read a hundred times, many verses I have memorized!

But for some reason I read it differently this morning. And so I am sharing what I gleaned with you.

P.S. If anyone has a new alliteration-name that I can give these renderings, instead of “Powell Paraphrase” since, you know... I’m not a Powell anymore. I’d appreciate it. Open to suggestions.

Isaiah 43-44 (ESV)
9 verses Powell Paraphrased

Thus says the Lord. You are precious in His eyes. You are loved. By the God who created & formed you. You are honored. By God who is with you when you face trials, fires, waters and rivers. You will not be burned or overwhelmed. Because He is with you. Forget what happened before, God is doing something new! He knows you were unfaithful before. He knows you walked away from Him. But He has forgiven you and remembers your sins no more! He has called you by name and you are HIS! He WILL make a way for you. He will bless you and pour out His Spirit on you. He is the Lord and there is no Savior beside Him. So do not be afraid.

43:1b “... I have called you by name, you are MIA” (Mia means “mine” in Spanish)


Tuesday, September 03, 2019

I found it!! The Meaning of Life

Well now I’ve done it. Solved the mystery of one of the most complex questions. 

I was pondering earlier, “What is the meaning of life?” (I only asked because I happened to see the number “42” which is of course the best answer. And always reminds me of that particular question!) 

However, as I stopped for a moment, I wondered...”What do others say the meaning of Life is, legitimately?” So I turn to tried and true source of wisdom. I *googled* first and then went on Amazon and discovered there are dozens and dozens of books and articles on this very topic. So many people have the same question & are seeking answers! 

Some...most, are spiritually bent. Some simply discuss finding ones purpose and pleasures. And as I perused all the different perspectives and ideas, guesses and beliefs, It HIT ME. 

I don’t believe “What is the meaning of life?” is the right question. I think we need to ask... “What do I do, to *have* a meaningful life?” 

For me the answer lies in Scripture and in following the *Author of Life*. He wrote my name in the *Book of Life*. 

Jesus is what I pursue; and in doing so, I found that He gives my life meaning, brings fulfillment, purpose, pleasure & Joy. 

If you don’t believe me, Just seek Him. If you don’t know where, just ask me. 

So there you have it. Jesus (and the #42) Worlds most complex question answered. 

You’re welcome! 

Thursday, March 07, 2019

Message for my “Christian Friends”... I forgive you.

Gentle Rebuke for my “Christian-friends”. I forgive you. 


This is a loving rebuke for those who may need it. I’m praying it’s received in the spirit it is given. 

Recently (over a year ago) I was angry with God. And as a result, I did not want to walk in obedience to His will. 

This time of my life was very brief, but the pain was so deep and my actions so significant... it caused a lot of brokenness in many areas of my life. 

I KNOW I am absolutely 100% responsible for my own actions and behavior and would never try and make someone else feel responsible or take blame. I get that. 

Having said that though, I’d like to share about some experiences I had. 

Several times I tried to reach out & confide in friends and people I thought would be “safe” to be transparent with, people who may have been able to help me; to find clarity, find conviction and find my way back to Jesus. I was looking for a word that would bring about healing and repentance. 

But, time & time again I was met with, anger, rejection, judgment, condemnation, silent treatment, I was called names, I was cursed, and most painfully, I was betrayed when those I confided in gossiped about me out of pseudo “concern” and shared my story with others and many times INACCURATELY!! Which caused more hurt to the ears that listened. Very few offered to pray with me or any hope at all. 

All this led to more broken relationships and even more distance between me and the church and Jesus. Every one of these friends/people are “Christians”. Who I thought I could trust. 

Now again, I’m not saying my actions were justified in ANY way. I have confessed and sought forgiveness and have repented and been made new. 

Yet, when I confronted a couple folks about my experience I was told “well if you didn’t want anyone to find out, or people to react that way, you should have never said anything or you should never have made those mistakes in the first place. You knew the truth and you chose to walk away, their response is just a consequence of your own choices.” 

My friends hear my heart in this, that attitude is SO wrong on so many levels. The Bible is very clear that it is His *Kindness* that leads people to repentance!! And it is the Holy Spirits job to convict. 

What was the POINT of Jesus being crucified if not for GRACE & Mercy and Forgiveness!! And How can someone suggest I keep my sin hidden?? 

There are still some people who have not forgiven me. And others who still don’t trust me. (That I understand and do accept as a consequence of my choices) 

...but to be outright-condemned, cursed at, rejected and gossiped about- is JUST as sinful as anything I had done!! 

No WONDER so many people don’t like Christianity!!! So many of us give it a bad name. 
When I NEEDED CHRISTS LOVE THE MOST... I was abandoned. 
Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually. *That broke me more, than what led me to rebellion in the first place.*

Honestly I have no idea if any of the folks responsible will ever read this or if some of them are even on Social Media but ... maybe my story will help someone else. 


If a brother or sister in Jesus, is falling... don’t cut the rope!!! Reach out and help them up!! 

*Don’t turn your back. 
*Don’t take up others’ offenses, 
*Don’t play Holy Spirit!
*Don’t Just “call-out” their sin & offer no hope. 
Love them through it. Speak truth in love! Stop, **find out what is causing the gap in their relationship with Jesus and offer them HOPE!** Remind them of Gods character, that He loves them no matter what, that there is forgiveness and redemption!! And that they are worthy of both. 

I needlessly spent a lot longer time away from church (and repentance) because all I felt was more pain and anger and betrayal & rejection. 

**My Christian friends added salt to a wound and confusion to my pain**

I had never felt SO LOW!!! 

And THAT is not JESUS!!! He didn’t come to condemn or to make people feel badly about themselves...if that’s what you’re doing, then YOU ARE NOT REPRESENTING CHRIST. 

Again I hope this is received well and *not* doing exactly what I’m rebuking, by making people feel condemned, judged etc. that’s not my heart or intent. 

Truly, I think it’s important for all of us to be mindful of what we say to those who are hurting and in sin. Wether they are non-believers, baby-believers, or folks who have walked with the Lord for years. 

If any of you who reacted this way to me do read this. I forgive you. I love you. I bless you! 

AS FOR ME: Where am I now? 

God WAS able to redeem all of this. During this dark time of my life, as always, God was faithful. He did show up, over & over and wooed me back to Himself. 

I was able to learn even more about His character and understand on an even deeper and more meaningful level forgiveness & grace and what it means to come out of the mire and have that “conversion” moment. 

I became even more humbled and more in love with Jesus than ever! My Rock and My Salvation. Things we go through- even as a result of our own sinful choices- are not purposeless. He can use them and turn them into Gold. 

Thank you for reading. 





I went through a season last year (albeit brief-relatively speaking) of rebellion.  I hurt my family and some close friends with my actions; but most importantly I hurt Jesus and my relationship with Him. 

The last 6 months have been so healing for me and my family & My relationship with Jesus is totally restored too! God is so good, and I am highly favored, with His Grace and Mercy. 

But lately the enemy reminds me of my wrongs. he makes me think I’m not worthy of forgiveness or to be used by God. he makes me start to doubt my assurances and feel overwhelming guilt and shame. he tries to instill anxiety and isolation. 

I am publicly asking for forgiveness from those who were affected by my choices but most importantly I am CLAIMING my position with Jesus. 

The following verse and song are what I have been ruminating on all day!! I hope you look up the actual verse and listen carefully to the song... & let Gods word be transformative. I know it has transformed me. 

Powell Paraphrase #10 

For I am certain, that nothing I have done, nor anything I will do, not a word I have spoken, a wound I have caused, a stupid choice I have made, nor rebellious action, nor mistake or error I have committed, could ever take away the Love that Jesus has for me, or the purpose He had when He died for my sins, His love for me is immeasurable. 


Romans 8:38-39

The lies we believe and the Truth to set us free.

I used to live this way: 

I had low self-worth/loathing, I came from a Trauma background & didn’t think much of myself, felt I was worthless, stupid, you name it. I hated my life and believed nothing could change. I used to put myself down a lot! I lived with depression & anxiety and anger. 

Until I accepted the truth about how Jesus sees me!! 

Zephaniah 3:17 became my life verse!! 
Jesus is my # 1 fan. 

I meditated on: 
Psalms- That I’m fearfully and wonderfully made. That everything God makes is GOOD. 
Jeremiah: That God has a plan and a purpose for me! 
Zephaniah: That He rejoices over me, and takes DELIGHT in me! 
Romans: Nothing could ever take away Christs love 

I began to believe that No matter what I do, or how I fail him, His view of me doesn’t change.


I also had someone speak into my life and remind me; that if the God of the universe thought I was worthy enough to die for, how *dare* I place myself ABOVE God and declare myself something that He doesn’t. 

For me to claim an identity that Jesus did not give me, is akin to idolatry & sinful pride, for that reason alone, I forced myself to learn my *true* identity. 

I am loved. 
I am beautiful. 
I have a purpose. 
I have a future. 
I am strong. 
I am worthy. 
I am Highly Favored 
I am forgiven 

#GodsWordFTW #Jesus #Truth #HighlyFavored

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Why I gave up Lent... for Lent.

Why I gave up Lent for Lent. 
Okay I didn’t really give it up *for* Lent. 

The thing is: 
I was raised in an evangelical Christian home, that did not practice “Lent”. Although I had family members that certainly did, and so I was aware of it, and that they gave up specific things... but was never totally certain why. 

As a young adult, I went to a church that did practice Lent and the reasons they gave seemed, good, valid and poignant. I wanted to participate!! 

I wanted to:
 A. Show my Lord just how committed I am to Him. 
B. Understand on a a small scale what it means to “sacrifice”. If Jesus could give up all food & water for 40 days surely I could give up _________. (I usually picked something unhealthy for me, so that I could doubly justify its purpose.) I wanted to identify and deepen my connection to Him. 
C. I wanted to devote myself to prayer and scripture. And this was a tangible reminder ... Whenever I would have previously spent time thinking about or actually doing said *now forsaken* item, I would now spend that time in prayer and Bible reading. 

Man, How Holy was I gonna be? 
God would surely give me a gold star, and I would certainly be an esteemed martyr when people realized I had successfully given up: Social Media, Carbohydrates, Secular Music/magazines, television or whatever I felt led to. 

My understanding of this whole tradition and practice was that it was to have thoughtful and deliberate recognition of the time period where Jesus was being targeted and all that he endured leading up to the Cross. **To identify with Christ** and to be solemn and reverent in the face of His ultimate sacrifice on the cross. 

I did this for a few of years and each time, I tried and then subsequently failed. Time & time again. I would *slip* and have that carb, or watch that show... or login “just for a second”.  

I will say that more often than not I managed to remain true to my fasting and even managed to increase my Bible and Prayer time. 

But... every time I did slip, I was consumed with guilt. I believed I was letting God down. I wasn’t being a good enough “Christian”. Even when I managed to pick myself up and start again immediately, or the next day, for a brief moment I had shame and guilt. Additionally, during those tough *tempting* moments, if I had a win, and managed to successfully avert the temptation, I would feel a sting of resentment that I couldn’t have what I wanted. Which led to the cycle of guilt again. 

Therefore for *me*, My Lent time, ended up being riddled with Shame, Guilt, resentment and eventually in some cases, with me quitting all together and giving up! And then living with self condemnation and sadness. I felt pathetic, disappointed. Ashamed that I had let Jesus down. That I could not truly identify with Him. 

That’s when the Lord spoke to me. 
I realized... I didn’t get it at all! 

Jesus died precisely so we would NOT have to fast and sacrifice and give up anything to be closer to God. He died specifically so I could live in freedom *from* Guilt, Shame, resentment etc. 

The Lord was telling me to give up on Lent! 

He wanted me to know HIS Sacrifice was-and still is-ENOUGH. He gave up everything so we could live abundantly, blessed and enriching lives! 

We don’t have to be circumcised, we can eat the pork and we can dine with sinners. (Because hey, wherever you go... there you are, anyway!) 

I didn’t need a tradition to prompt me or motivate me to read my Bible and spend more time in prayer. And I didn’t need to have one more “works” for the enemy to distort and then use against me. 

For me, when I made this realization, a huge weight was lifted from me and I felt such release, such freedom!! 

I now spend most all my days (not just 40)  -not “giving up” anything but adding to my life, reaching out to strangers & those less fortunate. Reading my bible daily, listening  to worship music, praying and praising Jesus for HIS Sacrifice!! But it is all by CHOICE, without any hint of obligation or duty or pressure. 

Now LISTEN: I am not suggesting there is anything bad or wrong with Lent. I know many folks that continue to practice Lent. All, lovely, Godly, kind people, and it has been a helpful tool to grow their intimacy with Jesus. To identify with Him. They look forward to the sacrifice every year and hold it in high esteem, (I also hold them in high regard). And that is their choice. 

I’m just glad that we belong to a faith where it’s not “necessary” or “required”  for my salvation. And that we can reach out, deepen our relationship with Christ & identify with Him anytime of year. I know now,  Jesus is okay if I don’t practice Lent. 

Thursday, February 14, 2019

A few words on Valentines day for SINGLES.

A few notes about Valentines day... 

Also known as SAD “Single Awareness Day”. 

It’s time to get some perspective. 
Here is some wisdom I learned while I was “waiting by the Kerith” feeling isolated, lonely and jealous. 

Valentines Day is a day to celebrate LOVE. 
NEWSFLASH: Love does not have to be *romantic* love. Love comes in many shapes & forms. 

You have a CHOICE about how you Perceive Valentines Day & How you Respond to it. (Pro-tip: this is actually the case with everything in life.) 

Instead of moping & feeling sorry (no judgement here, because I definitely did my share of this) because you don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife etc... try these things instead. 

  1. Show your loved ones you love them. (Duh!) the people already in your life who speak into it, who encourage you, help you, laugh with you and make you feel a sense of Joy. Could be family, friends, co-workers... anyone you care about. Try sending a text expressing your appreciation and love for them. Bless them and tell them all the good things they are! Hang out with them sometime *around* Valentines day, or if they’re single too, on V-Day. Nothing feels better than telling someone you love them, and appreciate them and the getting that in return! Feels amazing!! 
  2. Do some good for someone else for no reason. There are soooo many “forgotten” and lonely people. You don’t own the market on this. There are people who literally have nobody to love them. (Nursing Homes and Homeless Shelters are full of them) Volunteer your time, bring baked goods and spend the evening doing a jigsaw puzzle or reading a book to an elderly person, get creative and do whatever makes sense to you. But the point is, instead of feeling sorry for yourself LOVE OTHERS. As we said, Nothing feels better than doing good for others. Boost yourself by boosting others. 
  3. LOVE YOURSELF. Be good to yourself. Take care of your body, work-out, eat well and splurge a little too. There’s nothing wrong with occasionally drinking a glass of wine, eating that ice cream, binge watching a rom-com or sit-com, in your favorite Jammies. Or if getting dolled up and putting your face on and taking yourself out to a fancy dinner is more your style, do it! One of the best “dates” I ever went on, was the first time I got dressed up, heels, little black dress, the hair, the jewels, and went to a black tie jazz & martini bar..alone. It was incredibly rewarding knowing that I *could* feel pretty and enjoy myself without the company of another person. Made me so much stronger! 

The bottom line is, whatever you decide to do on Valentines day, celebrate or not, be open to LOVE of all kinds. And you won’t go wrong. 

1 Cor. 13:13 These three remain, Faith, Hope and Love, but the greatest of these is love...