Thursday, February 14, 2019

A few words on Valentines day for SINGLES.

A few notes about Valentines day... 

Also known as SAD “Single Awareness Day”. 

It’s time to get some perspective. 
Here is some wisdom I learned while I was “waiting by the Kerith” feeling isolated, lonely and jealous. 

Valentines Day is a day to celebrate LOVE. 
NEWSFLASH: Love does not have to be *romantic* love. Love comes in many shapes & forms. 

You have a CHOICE about how you Perceive Valentines Day & How you Respond to it. (Pro-tip: this is actually the case with everything in life.) 

Instead of moping & feeling sorry (no judgement here, because I definitely did my share of this) because you don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife etc... try these things instead. 

  1. Show your loved ones you love them. (Duh!) the people already in your life who speak into it, who encourage you, help you, laugh with you and make you feel a sense of Joy. Could be family, friends, co-workers... anyone you care about. Try sending a text expressing your appreciation and love for them. Bless them and tell them all the good things they are! Hang out with them sometime *around* Valentines day, or if they’re single too, on V-Day. Nothing feels better than telling someone you love them, and appreciate them and the getting that in return! Feels amazing!! 
  2. Do some good for someone else for no reason. There are soooo many “forgotten” and lonely people. You don’t own the market on this. There are people who literally have nobody to love them. (Nursing Homes and Homeless Shelters are full of them) Volunteer your time, bring baked goods and spend the evening doing a jigsaw puzzle or reading a book to an elderly person, get creative and do whatever makes sense to you. But the point is, instead of feeling sorry for yourself LOVE OTHERS. As we said, Nothing feels better than doing good for others. Boost yourself by boosting others. 
  3. LOVE YOURSELF. Be good to yourself. Take care of your body, work-out, eat well and splurge a little too. There’s nothing wrong with occasionally drinking a glass of wine, eating that ice cream, binge watching a rom-com or sit-com, in your favorite Jammies. Or if getting dolled up and putting your face on and taking yourself out to a fancy dinner is more your style, do it! One of the best “dates” I ever went on, was the first time I got dressed up, heels, little black dress, the hair, the jewels, and went to a black tie jazz & martini bar..alone. It was incredibly rewarding knowing that I *could* feel pretty and enjoy myself without the company of another person. Made me so much stronger! 

The bottom line is, whatever you decide to do on Valentines day, celebrate or not, be open to LOVE of all kinds. And you won’t go wrong. 

1 Cor. 13:13 These three remain, Faith, Hope and Love, but the greatest of these is love...