Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Decade of Change ...

... a Picture of Hope. 

As we approach the end of this decade, I wanted to take a look back at all that has happened since 2010. These brief “titles” don’t begin to describe the enormous impact some of these events had on my life. The tremendous pain, confusion, fear and instability they had at times. And sometimes immense pride and Joy! A true roller coaster. 
Some of these things lasted a year or more... and not everything is of course mentioned; this isn’t an exhaustive list, just the “highlights”. 

*Moved 5 times 
*Moved across the country 
*Sold a house 
*Lived with & survived physical, emotional and spiritual abuse! 
*Discovered & Forgave infidelities 
*I Got divorced 
*I Got remarried 
*Have held 9 different jobs 
*Had 4 kids graduate High School
*Had 2 kids graduate College
*Had kiddo’s, do homeschooling, Online School and drop out of school. 
*Traveled out of state 24 times 
*Traveled out of country 3 times 
*Healed from/forgave a plethora of Childhood Trauma and found a new freedom. 
*Had 2 kids get married 
*Got “lost” for a summer, and then was found. Amazing Grace. 
*Been in the Emergency Room 4 times w/ serious illness or injury. 
*Got some training/certification to be a counselor
*Learned to love and like myself 
*Ruptured my Achilles Tendon 
*Learned to set good and healthy boundaries 
*Discovered 2 new life threatening allergies 
*Spent 3 months with boils all over my body (caused by Strep) 
*Had fun dating half a dozen really great (some gorgeous & very successful) men. 
*lost 50 pounds 
*Gained 50 pounds 
*Lost 7 close relatives 
*Lost 4 close friends 
*Faced Homelessness 3 times. 
*Was assaulted at one of my workplaces #Metoo 
*Spent countless hours & hours at various beaches. 
*Made half a dozen good friends. 
*Almost lost a daughter. THREE times. 
*Memorized Several chapters in the Bible 

Life changes so fast. 

If you were to ask me 10 years ago, “where will you be in 10 years?” Almost all of these things would never have crossed my mind. 

Life changed from year to year! With different homes, jobs, kids in different schools-even type of school, different friends in and out of my life, Different illnesses, and so on. Not one year looked the same as the last. 

Now I’m a stay at home mom, living in a large beautiful house on a lake, in a whole new state-married to the man of my dreams. 

People get “Stuck” in their circumstances. They feel like nothing will ever change. They get depressed and/or anxious about their future. 

The truth is, when you look back... that’s when you realize how strong you are. How far you’ve come! No matter how small, how insignificant or subtle it may be. Change happens. It’s your decision how you respond to it, and wether it’s a change for your good or for your demise. It’s about perspective. 

EMBRACE the Change. Get Unstuck! Just put one foot in front of the other. But keep going. Don’t give up! You’re worth it. POKOPO. 

Phil. 4:13 
Phil. 3:14 
Heb. 12:1-2

Cheers to the next Decade! Whatever it may bring. 

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