Thursday, March 07, 2019

The lies we believe and the Truth to set us free.

I used to live this way: 

I had low self-worth/loathing, I came from a Trauma background & didn’t think much of myself, felt I was worthless, stupid, you name it. I hated my life and believed nothing could change. I used to put myself down a lot! I lived with depression & anxiety and anger. 

Until I accepted the truth about how Jesus sees me!! 

Zephaniah 3:17 became my life verse!! 
Jesus is my # 1 fan. 

I meditated on: 
Psalms- That I’m fearfully and wonderfully made. That everything God makes is GOOD. 
Jeremiah: That God has a plan and a purpose for me! 
Zephaniah: That He rejoices over me, and takes DELIGHT in me! 
Romans: Nothing could ever take away Christs love 

I began to believe that No matter what I do, or how I fail him, His view of me doesn’t change.


I also had someone speak into my life and remind me; that if the God of the universe thought I was worthy enough to die for, how *dare* I place myself ABOVE God and declare myself something that He doesn’t. 

For me to claim an identity that Jesus did not give me, is akin to idolatry & sinful pride, for that reason alone, I forced myself to learn my *true* identity. 

I am loved. 
I am beautiful. 
I have a purpose. 
I have a future. 
I am strong. 
I am worthy. 
I am Highly Favored 
I am forgiven 

#GodsWordFTW #Jesus #Truth #HighlyFavored

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