Tuesday, September 03, 2019

I found it!! The Meaning of Life

Well now I’ve done it. Solved the mystery of one of the most complex questions. 

I was pondering earlier, “What is the meaning of life?” (I only asked because I happened to see the number “42” which is of course the best answer. And always reminds me of that particular question!) 

However, as I stopped for a moment, I wondered...”What do others say the meaning of Life is, legitimately?” So I turn to tried and true source of wisdom. I *googled* first and then went on Amazon and discovered there are dozens and dozens of books and articles on this very topic. So many people have the same question & are seeking answers! 

Some...most, are spiritually bent. Some simply discuss finding ones purpose and pleasures. And as I perused all the different perspectives and ideas, guesses and beliefs, It HIT ME. 

I don’t believe “What is the meaning of life?” is the right question. I think we need to ask... “What do I do, to *have* a meaningful life?” 

For me the answer lies in Scripture and in following the *Author of Life*. He wrote my name in the *Book of Life*. 

Jesus is what I pursue; and in doing so, I found that He gives my life meaning, brings fulfillment, purpose, pleasure & Joy. 

If you don’t believe me, Just seek Him. If you don’t know where, just ask me. 

So there you have it. Jesus (and the #42) Worlds most complex question answered. 

You’re welcome! 

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