Saturday, March 11, 2006

Stream of thoughts...

Okay so it couldn't be because I have 4 children, work part time, a husband, house, and I just returned from a Missions Trip where I worked really hard and traveled for days that I am so tired could it?

I didnt even know how tired I really was.. because I went to sleep last night and took a NAP. Unintentional one.. I laid on my bed, with my 4 year old to watch Winnie the Pooh... and I woke up 2 hours later. I just completely and utterly CRASHED. THEN I went to bed around 10:30 and slept in today until about 10 a.m. Man. I needed that. And yet I STILL feel tired. Its been a week since I have been back, and I still feel a little jet-lagged. Oh well.

My eldest child has ADHD and she would be so mortified if she knew that you all knew that!! Of course she looks at this site, so I will hear about it later. Anyways.. she didnt take her meds today, its saturday, I never make her take them on the weekends, unless its a special occasion where I need her to be on her best behaviour. Anyways.. she is bouncing off the walls, and driving ME to distraction.

So enough about my pithy little life.. at least until I get a real one!! I have nothing else to say. Except that isnt it sad that Will Reeve lost both his parents in the last 18 months and his grandma.. he is only 13 years old. The time of your life when you need the most stability. My heart aches for him, I cant imagine what he must be going through and to have to go through it publicly.. he is like America's HRH Harry York/Edinborough/Spencer whatever 'is name is...

But whats up with Lance Armstrong... being all buddy buddy with him, while his ex fiance.. is battling cancer herself??!! Celebrities.. who can figure them out. I mean who IS this guy anyway... sure he fought cancer and he can ride a mean bicycle. But its not like he discovered the CURE for cancer.. sure he created those trendy little STRONG bracelets.. and the money goes to FIGHT Cancer and fund cancer research.. but I still dont get why he is that popular. He's not even cute. In MY opinion. Better make sure I cover my bases on the very off off off chance that Mr. Armstrong ever reads my blog and says.. HEY.. thats not PC of you to rank on a guy who won the Tour De France 7 times and fought off Cancer!!! I am like.. dude.. it was in FRANCE. Need I say more?? Whoops that wasnt very PC either was it? That was the republican in me coming out. I apologize.

Better Shut my Yap before I get into real trouble. C'est La Vie..

Au Revoir

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