Monday, March 13, 2006

Has this ever happened to you???

God has a sense of humor doesnt He? Just when you step out in faith and wonder.. okay Lord, hope you know what you are doing.. cuz I sure dont have a clue. He reveals his Sovereignty to you.

This happened to me yesterday/today. I felt "led" for those of you UN-Spiritual types who don't speak christianese.. that means in my spirit, in my heart, I felt strongly-- that I was supposed to pay for some women at our church to attend our Womens Retreat... I am on Womens ministry committee.. and I never want inability to pay to ever exclude people from times like this. This retreat is going to be so important, for bonding, and building relationships, cross-socio-economic lines, and generational lines.. and there were 2 young women in particular, who have been going out of their way to participate at church as much as they can. Who despite their young age, and inexperience.. have made it clear to me, that they strongly desire to have relationships with other women in the church, as well as seek the Lord to guide their young families.. and I knew they couldnt pay!!

Incidentally the cost for one person is $80 and for the other gal who was also getting a scholarship.. would be $135 for both of us. But I just got back from a Missions Trip! I am broke. I havent worked for a whole month, and my husband only worked a portion of the hours he normally does while I was gone.. and so things have been pretty tight for us.

Yesterday at church I had my tithe check (82$), and it was communion sunday. On those days they take yet another offering to help the needy, and usually I give to that. Anyways.. I started doing some math and realized that I could sponsor these 2 ladies if I made some sacrifices.. IF I used my tithe money, and if I used my Paycheck from the end of the month.($135) And didnt pay Tithe, or Benevolent fund. But I didnt exactly feel right about either option ... Anyways.. the feeling of paying for them was just weighing heavily on my heart.. so I went ahead and paid for one gal in full.. (Using 80 of my 82)and post-dated the $135 for mine and part of the other gals.. (since she is getting a scholarship for the balance). Anwyays.. I got home and re-did my budget to reflect these changes.. and wouldnt you know it!!!! We have exactly enough in our account to cover those extra checks AND still TITHE.. but it didnt leave any money left for anything else at ALL. I was a little concerned, but our fridge is full, and we have gas in our cars etc.. to last until Jack gets paid. So I just assumed that all was as it was meant to be. And just Praised God that He provided for those ladies.

Then guess what?? I worked today and found out that today we submit our time-cards.. I didnt even know this, because of being gone for so long, I forgot when the pay periods were.. and discovered that the hours I submitted today.. are worth EXACTLY $81!!--after taxes. Thats like the Lord is Paying me BACK for the cost of this one gals fee!! I couldnt believe it.. I re-checked and thought.. oh my Gosh.. God is SOOO GOOD!! I just followed my heart--also known as stepping out in faith and obedience-- and the Lord rewarded me. I just wanted to jump up and down.. and say I was RIGHT. I was RIGHT to use the tithe check, because we had enough to cover both.. and I was right to use my end of the month paycheck for this other gals and mine registration fee because that is exactly what I will get paid.. and The Lord is just soooo good. And I know in my heart of hearts that these ladies are supposed to be there. So I just covet your prayers that childcare and other unforseen obstacles dont hinder them from coming.

Okay so thats all.. I just had to share. I hope you all get a lift out of it. After all the Word of our Testimony is the most powerful tool we have as Christians. And all Gods People said what????


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