Friday, March 17, 2006

Its been 2 weeks today!!

So I have been back from Ecuador for 2 weeks today!! What I have not done however is fully "re-enter" my world and my life back here. I met with some women on my team yesterday for a lunch meeting, who are not only be glad to be back, but have fully re-entered their lives seamlessly, and with just Happy Memories of a "Wonderful Experience". I feel so differently. Every fiber of my being is consumed with thoughts of Ecuador. I am learning to speak Spanish, I have been to the Library and picked up not only tourist guides but picture books, photograph books so I can pine over the photos. I think about it all the time. I dream about it every night.. I dream in SPANISH. Everyday, all day long... all I think about is ways to get back there!! When I left I didnt feel finished. There were too many experiences for me to describe and some of them really personal.. I dont even want to share them with anyone. Its like my own secret little memory. Of course everything was known by the team I was with.. nothing particularly secretive happened.. its just that I am fiercely protective of my time down there, and I dont want to talk so much about it, that it loses some of that novelty. I dont want to share with people who dont REALLY care about what I learned, and saw. I dont know. I dont want it to end.. and so holding on closely is a way for me to keep it alive!! Keep it recent. I dont know if this is Healthy or not. I just know from the deepest parts of me. Ecuador is where I belong. I have a vision but not the plan. Its frustrating, but yet I am learning to wait on the Lord.. I know there is much preparation I need, and much I need to learn about so many things before I could go and minister to the people there. There are "issues" that would need to be resolved before I could go and be FREE to minister to people down there. I am just so grateful that the Lord called my husband and made his heart soft. He is ready to go when the Lord says its time. Anyways.. thats my heart. I just had to share. Please pray for me. I know that the Lord "has a plan for me, a plan to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me a future and hope!" but I wish I had more details.

Love Mia

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