Thursday, March 09, 2006

Lets Commence..

So I decided to jump on the proverbial Band-wagon.. and claim my own little stake in the cyber world. I'm nervous though there is no turning back from this point on. From now on.. my thoughts, and opinions will be out there permanently for the universe to see, forever recorded for posterity, and what happens if I have a change of heart on a topic?? Or if I am proved wrong.. I dont want my own words to come back and bite me in the proverbial ass.

To tell the truth I got a little jealous that many of my friends were hosting blogs and thereby being "published" without having to actually submit their editorials to a newspaper or book to a publishing company, only to be told that because you cant stay within a 500 max. guideline, (or write worth crap) your opinion isnt going to be available for anyone to view it. So this is my warning, this blog will contain sometimes rants, and sometimes raves.. and many times editorials that I have written over the years, maybe even a poem or 2, that otherwise were rejected.. for one reason or another. YOU lucky people get to be subjected to it wether you like it or not. So there.

SOOOO Welcome!!

A little about myself.. I am no authority on any subject, I am a student of life, a little self-depricating, and very verbose!! A writer by trade. What do I write? Good question.. glad you asked. I write everything, Poems, short-stories, novels, childrens books, editorials, essays and even plays. I have written a song or 2 but thats not really my forte.

My name really is Mia.. and my husband calls me M*I*A Mouth In Action.. because I never shut up. Thats why this forum is so great. Its said that Women use about 20 thousand words a day.. and men only like 9. Well I use probably about twice that many, and my husband about Half. (We are polar oppostites on MANY things.. but its our mutual passion about such things that keeps us together. We fight like cats and dogs.. but its that same animal magnetism that makes it impossible to separate. So we are stuck with each other.) But if I could spend even a fraction of my allotted words here than he wouldnt have to deal with me talking so much.

I have 4 children.. they give me lots of fodder for writing believe me. They range in age from 4 years to 11 years old. 3 girls and ONE very lonely, and often frustrated boy.

My eldest child is a lot like her mama.. she is wordy, and smart. For example, when she was about 8 I told her to stop "talking back" to me, and she said " Mom I have to talk back to you, thats how people communicate, they talk back and forth to each other!" Smart ass. But I cant really blame her, she learned from the best. She is very studious, and has even begun practicing her SAT preps.. and gets straight A's and actually one of the few kids I know, who hates missing school.

My next kid is VERY stubborn and obstinate.. very uhm.. creative. She draws, and writes, and SINGS so beautifully.. she is 9 and has the MOST incredible voice.. she did NOT get that from me. But she is the one who is in my face, and tells me no, and will prolly end up smoking and skipping school when she is 14. But I am going to go ahead and rebuke that word curse in Jesus' name. More about what that means later.

My son.. well he is all Boy. He is into video games and running around outside, and star wars, and soldier toys.. and rough-housing. Cute as can be.. and sweet too even if he is more of a daddy's boy.

My youngest.. is a princess. As you would expect the baby of any family to be, it doesnt help that she has 2 older sisters who dote on her also. She is VERY spoiled.. she has in essence 3 mommies, and therefore is used to having INSTANT Gratification of her every desire. Can we say High Maintenance?. I feel sorry for whoever she dates!!

My husband.. Lord Bless him.. is laconic, and introspective. He is a disciplinarian, and VERY old fashioned. But it works for us.

I on the other hand.. am free-spirited, and out-going, and fun to be around. I have a "Great" personality. (Read: fat-ugly. But I am okay with that now.)

So this is my site. I daren't say too much more, for fear of running out of things to POST about.. ha ha ha ha yeah right. So if anyone is interested in just asking questions.. and hearing what I think??? Ask away.. please don't be mean. And don't use harsh language.. But I am open to hearing what your thoughts are.. How am I doing so far???

Is there any particular subject you would like to discuss?? I am sure I have an opinion about it. I am Italian by the way so I am VERY opinionated.

See you soon!!



Anonymous said...

hey far your site is pretty cool. when i am not so busy with other stuff ill make it back to finish going through it..thank you for going through my wedding site. and thank you so much for helping me with my wedding plans. see you on the 18th..have a good day and ya

Anonymous said...

i like your page..when i can ill completely go through..thank you for your help with my wedding plans and going to my wedding site. see you on the 18th..
take care
lova ya