Thursday, March 09, 2006

26 Random facts about ME.

Just in case you wanted to know.. here are 26 Random facts about me. I might add more later..

Okay so if you read this Terra.. you know I fully stole this idea from your Digichick pages!! But I dont care. I liked it.

Only you can't get me on copyright infringement on account of you had 29 and the facts really are different. :o)

1, 2: I stand 4'11 inches now, and was always the shortest one in my classes.

3: You couldnt know it to look at me now, but I 'lettered' in Track in High School.

4,5: I was a lifeguard for 2 summers, and taught swim lessons too.

6: I have 4 wonderfully adorable children.

7: I was born in the Jungles of Ecaudor, South America.

8: I was in a CITY-wide spelling be in 4th grade... took home honorable mention.

9: When I was in 6th grade, a book of mine was published in a state-wide Young Authors Conference.

10: My husband and I eloped in Reno NV, March 1994.

11: I am exactly 100 lbs overweight.

12,13: I had to have braces with HEADGEAR for 2 and a half years in Jr. High, because I had severe buck teeth.

14: I was adopted.

15: I don’t really know how old I am. My birthday was made up and was most likely at least a year off.

16: My favorite food is garlic!

17: I am learning to speak spanish fluently.

18: I know all the streets in my home-town by heart.

19: I lived in Arizona for 13 months and loved it!! It really is a dry heat.

20,21,22,23: I broke my ankle in December.. consiquently it’s my right leg, which I broke 3 years ago falling down some stairs, my right toe I broke 5 years ago-in a horrible table accident, too painful to recollect, and finally I sprained my right ankle in Vegas 2 years ago.

24: I HATE Mcdonalds.

25: I am a sucker for Musicals, and I purposely subject my offspring to the horrors of my vocal skills far too often. But they NEED to know who Rodgers and Hammerstein are!!

26: My secret dream is to one day don a little black dress, put on my biggest white hat, and gloves, complete with sunglasses and really and truly eat a danish, and coffee in front of Tiffanys Dept. Store in New York City.. all while humming Moon River.

There you have it. Enjoy.

--Mama Mia

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