Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Single Bite...

With a single bite the world was fractured. Sin covered the whole of the earth. It darkened the landscape and forever changed everything.
For what?
We had everything. We were GIVEN everything. Yet we let our eyes fall on the one thing forbidden to us, as if EVERYTHING was not good enough.
So sin encompassed the world. swallowed it. And communion with and knowing God as He truly is was broken forever. Now we claw & SCRATCH our way back, hoping to find a glimpse of "Eden".
From the first bite of sin, we have held a sense of entitlement that says to God "Thanks, but ....I want more". Much like satan himself did. We walked with God in the cool of the evening and yet somehow it was not good enough.  How often today do we say that to God? Whatever hand I've been dealt... We say "God I dont like it, I don't want it or no thanks... I want more!!"
Some of the things I've been pondering as I have been reading :
1,000 Gifts. by ~Ann Voskamp

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