Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Reflective Truth

I'm feeling very thoughtful and deep tonight. Im being reflective and learning things about myself, It occurred to me, that the phrase "nobody knows what goes on, behind closed doors" is sort of an understatement and can be applied to so many areas of life. I find myself, plastering on a smile and telling a joke when inside my heart is absolutely breaking. I find myself going through mundane actions, laundry, cooking, putting groceries away, helping kids with homework, when truly all I want to do sometimes is curl up in bed and stay there all day. I find that much of the time, I am praying for others, doling out advice, taking time to listen to them, pray for them and encourage and cheer them on...yet for some reason cannot do that for myself! I guess what I'm learning about myself, is that I am NOT as genuine as I thought I was. I'm not as strong as I thought I was especially in my faith and I'm kind of fake. WOW. That is NOT my intention, and not my calling or heart. But sometimes taking inventory of ourselves is necessary in order to become that which we truly desire to be. So I'm going to ALLOW myself to be more vulnerable and transparent in the coming weeks. Are you ready? Lol#truthwillsetyoufree

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