Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Thanks but no thanks!

Thanks... but no thanks.

November 27, 2008 at 1:04am

This is my disclaimer first and foremost and please do not think I have lost sight of this. I know there is so much to be thankful for. I feel so very blessed every day for my kids, my and their health,employment, house, husband, Jesus, friends,bills paid, cars, ability to walk, breathe, smile, laugh, pray... I try and stay positive and look on the bright side. I have always been a glass half full kind of girl and I have always tried to love people unconditionally. I have attempted as much as I am able to BE a blessing to others and not a burden.Helpful, caring, considerate. I have been given much and I love to serve and give back. I love wit and love to laugh-even at myself. I can be such a dork I know. But its part of my charm I suppose. I am so thankful for my friends and all the crap they have seen me through and all the love they have given me...

But Thankfulness should be a way of life. Not once a year. Gratitiude is an attitude that many of the current young generations have not adopted in this ME-centric society. Compassion unfortunately does not come naturally anymore. Doing the "right thing" just because it is the right thing to do. Working hard... with no reward or compensation for the sake of doing work well.. it's a lost art. Taking things for granted for example: education, In-tact parental units, health, Clothing, rooves over heads etc...People have  A Sense of entitlement  this idea that we have a "right" to ______(fill in the blank) simply because we exist is absurd. I'm not saying that basic human rights are not reasonable. But material things,financial compensation and other "stuff" that kids--especially my kids it seems... feel they "deserve" is mind boggling to me. My children and so many I know are so privelaged and yet SO UNgrateful!! It disgusts me truly.

Also, Thanksgiving holds painful memories for me. I am left grieving on this day and even though it has been 8 years the pain still feels new. It is so deep and so real I cant even describe it. Its the anniversary of the day we found out my daddy was going to die. (which he did just 6 short weeks later) The only reason I mention it, is because I know I'm not alone. For so many of you--you feel the same loss. I just want you to know that I remember. I remember YOU who have lost loved ones, that make the Holidays seem a little less joyful. I remember YOU that you are grieving and that images and memories flood your mind during the Holidays with pain and sorrow. I remember YOU who DONT have food, and a home, or family or friends, or employment or HEALTH. I remember you all, and I am praying for you. This time of year is not always smiles and cheer... this day... while supposed to be a day to count our blessings, can also force come of us to face our fears and remember our trials and can actually cause more pain than Joy. I will remember you and I will pray for you. God Bless you and your Family. May you find something to be thankful for.

So while my kids and I sleep in, and I DONT cook turkey and all the trimming, and we DONT watch t.v specials and we DONT have family/friends over.... we will be going through the Christmas Decor and decorating and looking ahead to truly celebrating very soon, the very reason for my faith and that is Jesus Birth. We will be enjoying a day off of school and work and being thankful for that small blessing. I will be remembering my father and all of you who are also grieving for one reason or another. Praying for you and for World Peace.

If I tagged you it is because I specifically will be remembering each of you in my prayers a bit EXTRA tomorrow! =)

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