Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Random Devotions

August 6 2013 
My devotion today: The Lord is near to the broken hearted! Boy is He ever! Thank you Jesus. In the words of my dear friend Valerie " when you're really going through it and the enemy attacks you fiercely, you can be SURE something freaking wonderful is about to Happen. Just watch and see what God does!" Yep. From her keyboard to Gods Something Freaking wonderful IS about to happen! Believe it for yourself, friends.  about to board my plane for home. Man I have missed my family!

July 25th 2013 
This post is going to be meaningful to only a Handful of you. But it's what's on my mind. Bear with me, its long but worth it. I wish Sydney Sheridan had been here, because I know that she of all people would appreciate what I just experienced. I spent the last 90 minutes, with "Seed Sowers" that is, 88 different missionaries from all over the world. Name a country they have been there. But these aren't just any missionaries, these are "veterans & pioneers" most of them are in their MID 80's and have seen God do things of epic proportions!! They have such incredible testimonies and legacies. Some of them 50 and 60 years if service "in the field". And the best part?? They aren't DONE yet! These folks all live together in one community, literally the same building and compound. They get together regularly, several times a week, to pray for the newbies, teach newbies, mentor and counsel folks just coming home from the field and praying for their countries of service, praying for relatives (like me) and praying for so many other needs. They serve one another, by sharing duties, such as transportation, housekeeping, meals etc... I have never been around such incredible and inspirational group of people all in one place. I'm overwhelmed. So many hugged me, told me they have been praying for me for years, some had tears in their eyes as they knew my story about how I came from the Jungle and were so glad to finally meet me. The sheer joy on their faces from the lives they have led, and the friendships they have formed...they don't complain, they only love, and serve. The most Christ like examples ever. I love this place my Aunt and Uncle live and I am bringing home a copy of the book "The Seed Sowers" which chronicles each of their legacies. I am in such awe. Thank you Jesus for letting me be here.

July 19th 2013
The steadfast Love of The Lord never ceases! His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, Great is thy faithfulness O Lord. 

Oh so thankful for this truth today! And to Jesus for putting it in my head. 

#oldhymns #nevergetold

July 18th 2013
Jesus name above all names, beautiful Savior, glorious Lord, Emmanuel, God is with us. Blessed Redeemer, living Word. 

The sweet praises that rattle round in my brain on calm, cool mornings. #SOinlovewithJesus.

July 17th 2013 
The Joy of The Lord is my strength! Whom shall I fear? What can man do to me? His mercies are new every morning, and He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. He anoints my head with oil...and while my heart and my flesh may fail, God is my strength and my portion forever! I desire nothing in Heaven but Jesus and I am confident that nothing ....not even my own dumb mistakes, can separate me from Christs Love! Come Lord quickly...

9 Bible verses. Powell Paraphrased!

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