Sunday, December 13, 2015

Where are you church?

I have been shown more grace, more kindness, more love and have been given more financial support, more tangible help (moving, packing, errands, rides, help with kids etc...) more shoulders to cry on and more sincere human empathy by my atheist/agnostic friends than I have my church/Christian friends.

Sure I've been given prayer support & some scriptures (and not minimizing its impact or importance of course) and I'm not saying ALL my Christian/Church friends bailed. Just pointing out that I received TANGIBLE and REAL and IMMEDIATE Help...more from my non-believing friends.

When times are hard and crisis strikes, you really do find out who your "true friends" are. The people that don't judge, that don't GOSSIP about you, the people that can HANDLE YOUR DRAMA because they know it's just a season and because you've been there when they needed YOU. THOSE are my friends. The girls that rolled up their sleeves and jumped right into my drama ready to carry me and fight for me!! The guys that were at a moments notice always willing to move me and/or spend time with my kids...

I just want to say THANK YOU. I Love you all.

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