Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Resolutions for anyone!

10 Resolutions everyone can keep... Even folks who don't make them! There are 365 days and approximately 8,760 hours this year. Take just a few minutes of this year to do the following at least once. (Make it a habit and improve many areas of your life!) 

1. Each day Find one thing you're thankful for, regarding that particular day. 
2. Say "Thank you" to someone and mean it. 
3. At least once or twice look; really look at your surroundings and find one beautiful object that you haven't noticed before. Take a mental picture. 
4. At least once or twice, just for a moment ... don't answer that text/call/message/email/other... Instead take a deep breath, close your eyes and remember!! Recall something positive. (From your childhood, or the day before. It doesn't matter... Just remember that feeling of joy.) 
5. Drink a large glass (12 oz or more) of water first thing when you wake up. Stave off hunger, headaches, fatigue, speed up slow bodily functions and so much more.  Good Morning! 
6. Read something (anything, a magazine, a book, newspapers) just for FUN. Brain Candy. 
7. Hug someone close to you an extra 10 seconds. 
8. Turn off all your electronics/internet/netflix an hour before bedtime. 
9. Complete a random act of kindness toward a stranger!! Your choice but look at this list for inspiration: 
10. Take a day off work for no reason and just hit the beach! 

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