Sunday, June 15, 2014

Too Much Grace?

Such a thing as too much Grace...

Okay let me qualify this statement. There actually isn't such a thing as "too much" Grace when it comes from Jesus. He gives it, abundantly, immeasurably and infinitely. However, we humans tend to take that for Granted. And while there is no finite amount of Grace God gives, That is not His ONLY character.  Among others, like Love and Comforter, Provider etc...
He is also Jealous. (Exodus 34:14 & Deut. 6:15)
He is JUST. ( 2 Thess. 1:6, Psalm 25:8-14)
and He is Holy.( 1 Peter 1:16)

And it's not like we break God down into some pie chart wherein we see that 68 percent of Him is Grace and Mercy and 20 percent is Holy and twelve percent is Just. Because He is all powerful, He is 100% all of those things, 100 percent of the time. And there will come a day in each of our lives, because He is Just and Holy, when He will choose to let us have our way and live our own lives. (Lives that do not honor Him, or reflect Him. lives that are full of self and do not walk with the Lord!) He will allow us to be happy in our sin, free of earthly consequences deceptively believing THAT is His Grace and Mercy. ( we deceive ourselves, HE has not deceived us). When actually, that is His way of removing His hand of blessing and power from our lives. The end result of which WILL inevitably be loneliness and despair, brokenness and humility, wherein we will in turn FINALLY submit and surrender our lives to Him. Now I ask you 2 things: 
Wouldn't it be better to live a tougher, less "easy" life but be right with God, seeing Him show up in powerful ways that build your faith and know that His love, protection, Grace, Mercy and Power are covering you, than to learn to live it the harder way? I have often said, "a wise person learns from their mistakes and never repeats them, a WISER person learns from the mistakes of others and never makes them!" 

Being obedient to scripture and living according to it, means to be under Gods provision and Grace but it does not mean this world will be easy. However, it will lead to a  JOY filled life with abundant peace. It means having the power and strength to persevere when troubles come. 

So many young Christians today, live by "Grace" and live as they please. Thinking they won't go to hell. But truthfully, living for yourself....means living hell on earth, and it leads to ruin and misery. 
 You also run the risk of Jesus saying..."depart from me, I never knew you." And ACTUALLY going to hell. Jesus was very very clear that KNOWING Him...means following Him, living as He did and being Holy Just as He is Holy. Being "one" with Christ. This is not "legalism" ....its not by behavior that we are saved! But behavior is the EVIDENCE of a life that is saved. Its putting ALL of Gods character into its proper place. And REPRESENTING Him well. 

Do not call yourself a "Christian" and not actually follow Christ. Do not look and act like the world, when you have been set apart. Do not behave badly because you have a golden ticket to Heaven, (that makes JESUS look bad!) Don't make His death, and torture and suffering ....all for nothing. If we are  "saved" even though we can do whatever we want...why did He need to die in the first place? 

REPENT ....Commit and Live for Jesus because He died for you. 

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