Friday, September 06, 2013

Things that make you go Hmmm...

Things that make you go hmmm...I believe a lot of us have Jesus as Savior. We believe & have accepted His free gift of eternal life. Many of us may even call Him Lord, we accept his authority in our lives & desire His will for our life. But how many of us call Him MASTER? that yearning with every pore of our body to serve him, sacrifice everything for him, to do his bidding... even to the point of death. YUP. Thats what I want. I want to call Him MASTER. Jesus I want nothing more than to serve you... I don't care what that looks like. I only want to do your bidding.

There are many times when I operate in my flesh or fall back on the "easy" part of a Christian walk, and so often God has said to me... "Remember that time, when you committed your LIFE to me? Did you really mean that? Or remember that time, you said to me... I could have my way? Did you mean THAT? " and then He goes on to use circumstances and people to refine me and it IS painful sometimes. Or scary... but I know that I know that I know... that He LOVES me. So whatever He does it comes from THAT. But it is VERY hard to put your money (or life) where your mouth is so-to-speak. But nevertheless its what I want more than anything. To represent Jesus well. He deserves nothing less than ALL of me.

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