Monday, September 02, 2013

Is it enough?

(Worth repeating) 

Answer this Question:

 If Jesus were to ask you, right now..."If I never answered another prayer, if I never give you another blessing... in fact, if I were to turn your life upside down and strip you of everything you love, if you NEVER felt my presence, NEVER received anything from me except your very salvation. Is it enough? Is it ENOUGH that I died on the cross for your sins? If that was all I ever did for you, is it ENOUGH for you to choose to Love me and serve me and follow me?" 

My Answer is YES. Its STILL enough. If everything I have is stripped away, if everyone I love were gone tomorrow, if you never answered another prayer, if I never received anything ever and never felt you by my side again, I would STILL choose to follow you, serve you & love you. Its enough that you CHOSE to die for ME. 

Bottom Line: EVERYTHING ... every breath, every penny, every answered prayer, all of it... everything beyond our salvation is a GIFT. Not an ENTITLEMENT. It is a blessing. When you begin to see your life this way daily... you will become OVERWHELMED with Joy, Contentment, Thankfulness. This TRUTH is something I am clinging to. No wonder Paul said he had learned to be content in all circumstances. Because he said YES to Jesus. Yes, you're sacrifice is all I need.

What's your answer?

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