Monday, September 25, 2023

Crazy Mama!


It’s Crazy Mama’s, that even 25 or 30 years later, you can’t remember where you left your keys or why you walked in that room; but you will always remember the way your child smiled at you, with wiggly baby teeth, and velvet soft skin and cheeks. 

The way they touched your face or pulled your glasses off with slobbery sticky fingers. The way their silky soft hair smelled after a bath. The way their giggle sounded like a combination of machine guns and hiccups. 

It’s Crazy Mama’s, how tired our bodies are, how they physically ache from bending and reaching and twisting and crouching, all day for various tasks, but we don’t feel it so much, when they reach for a hug or pick up our crying children, or twist to see them tugging on our skirts, we don’t feel as tired when we are up with them all night because they’re sick and they only want YOU for comfort. 

It’s Crazy Mama’s, how we can become so overwhelmed and exasperated with sassy tweens, big kids who are figuring out their voice, and often take that voice out on you. 

How you can simultaneously want to be that safe place where they can tell you anything and then, there they are, thinking they can speak to you anyway they want. 

And where did your sweet little child go anyway? Will they come back? Or have you just gone crazy. 

It’s Crazy Mama’s, how even when your child is an adult, and maybe even has a child of their own, your heart expands when they’re around.

 How you always see them as your baby, your toddler, your school kid, your teen. 

And no matter how much they try and get you to accept they are adults, you can’t stop your mind from remembering and picturing them as your baby. 

It’s Crazy Mama’s, how your heart and arms literally physically ache at all the seasons of motherhood, first when you hold them crying all night long… and then as children on your lap, when they fall asleep during movies or church. 

Then as adults, from the sheer absence of them in your arms.

As though your arms and heart KNOW that something belongs there and you just… ache. 

It’s SO crazy, how fast time flies Mamas. 

How very privileged we are to have healthy children we get to see through to adulthood. 

Never take a moment for granted & love your kids well. Even when they drive you crazy Mama. 

Crazy Mama-mothering is just wild. 

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