Sunday, February 11, 2018


**Warning** Personal Rant. If you don’t agree, that’s totally allowed. But please do NOT engage in debates and/or personal attacks on this thread. I will unfriend you. I rarely post political opinions or comment publicly about controversial topics. But this has been stirring in my heart for months... and If my perspective can help even one person, then it’s worth sharing.

As a first generation immigrant, I was brought to this country with NO VOICE & NO CHOICE I was 3 years old. I did not speak the language. I did not look like the people around me. I remember clinging to my father, and being afraid of sights and sounds. It was so different than the jungle we came from. I remember being told over & over “God must have big plans for you! He SAVED you from the hardships of poverty/disease,  ______ (fill in the blank with any “third-world” problem) you are SO LUCKY, to come to the United States!”

But here’s a few questions... WHO decided that 3rd world countries are “less than” and the United States is “greater” than. Why was my immigration here not frowned upon by society? Why am I so lucky to have been given the opportunities I have had, and yet leave behind a community of children who were just like me. Why was I “the chosen one”.  I have lived my life successfully. Well educated, Followed *most* laws, (I speed sometimes...) and raised amazing kids who in turn are successful, well educated adults.

All of these accomplishments were the result of an original incident in which I had NO VOICE and NO CHOICE! Could it be that because my parents were affluent white Americans with the means and support to hire good lawyers and file proper paperwork... I was able to take advantage of these opportunities without fear of deportation?!

I remember when I was 4+ years old and went before the Judge in chambers, with my pink pettifore and my American flag pin & had to recite the pledge of allegiance... it was an honor for sure! And I DID feel lucky. But again, I HAD NO VOICE & NO CHOICE.

Many of you who were privileged enough to have been BORN here, forget that you also had NO VOICE and NO CHOICE. In that sense you are no different than I am.

Let that sink in a minute.

Why didn’t any of YOU have to take a test, and apply, to recite a pledge and get a lawyer and have tons of documentation and home-studies done to be a citizen?? That would be ridiculous right??? You didn’t ask to be born here, you just were! No voice. No choice.

Likewise my friends, I did not ask to come here as a preschooler ... I just was. I was brought here. Don’t get me wrong, for that I am incredibly grateful.

I’m so thankful and I do believe that The United States is an amazing place! Full of opportunities for education, employment... advancement, as well as healthcare and basic food & shelter. No WONDER so many parents also bring their children here to be as lucky as we are, to experience what we do. It’s no surprise that parents from all over want to flee their “3rd world” circumstances and come to the Land of Opportunity!

Why are we so privileged?? Not a single one of us “deserves” what we have just because we happened to be born someplace... why oh why are we punishing and rejecting a generation of immigrant children like me??

Brought here with no voice and no choice, just like you.

Do we need to be kept safe? Absolutely. Does immigration law need to be reformed, ubetcha. But the generation of kids-many now adults-who are essentially “American” in every sense of the word culturally, do not need to be made the examples.

#Dreamer. #SupportDaca #ImmigrationReform #NoVoiceNoChoice

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