Thursday, October 31, 2013

All hallows eve

Some of the reasons we have never "celebrated" halloween or let our kids trick-or-treat is outlined in this well written article. For us personally, it has less to do with the fact we think halloween in and of itself is "evil" -we don't think that at all. We also know that in fact the history comes from Christian origins! For us it is one more tool in our families "tool-belt" to help set us apart (as we are called to be) and make sure that our focus is on Jesus, living like He did, loving like He does etc... We also don't want to be a stumbling block to other believers and non-believers, by blurring the lines and there is so much about halloween that IS evil and or used by evil people for evil intent, that the lines are very blurry. I personally have a hard time reconciling to folks how on certain days, or certain events, it's "Okay" to be witches and ghosts etc... and not on others. I too have noticed the movies and music that has played on TV this month, full of ghosts and gore. They even had a "live Seance" on "The View" today, as well as a medium "reading" people. I believe those things are very real! THOSE are the kinds of divinations the Bible is very clear that Christians should avoid and those are the lines that become blurry when as a Christian I say its okay today, because it's all in good fun, but on other days... it's used by the Devil to deceive people, to distract them from Christ and in even darker scenarios, to draw people to himself directly. If it's not okay on the other 364 days a year, I don't see how it can be okay for 1. We HAVE however, allowed our children to attend Harvest Parties at various churches, where we have been able to give thanks to the Lord for His bounty and where we can openly worship and focus on Christ. Where we feel we can "reclaim" what has been -in my eyes- distorted. Sorry for the long diatribe. I am just explaining our actions and hoping you will read the article.

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