Good News Story of the Week!
Here is the link to the news story... copy/paste it if it does not take you directly there.
***Original Post*** November 3rd 2011.
Adriana (age 42) has always known she was adopted and even had early memories of her time in Ecuador. She also remembered that she had a younger sister about 1 or 2 years old that had been taken from her when they arrived at the home of the attorney who subsequently handled her adoption to her American family who live in Vermont. She did not have fond memories of her time in Ecuador and the process was traumatic enough that she did not seek out her baby sister although she never forgot her. Recently Adriana decided she would peruse some adoption registries after all and came across a profile for Mia whose story sounded eerily similar. Albeit there were not a whole lot of details she decided to email Mia. It was her very first attempt at finding her sister. What are the odds? After a few emails back and forth sharing the few details they each had, the only way to be certain that they were indeed long-lost sisters was of course a DNA test. After 36 years of waiting and hoping and thinking it was absolutely impossible, Mia’s prayers were answered when on Tuesday Nov. 1st 2011 they received the news that YES indeed they were blood sisters. Currently, neither Adriana or Mia have any plans to meet soon as they do not have the financial ability to do so. But they have both stated a desire to go back to Ecuador at some point in the future. Mia has been back to Ecuador to serve on short term missions teams 4 times since 2006. This is a story of a Miracle that only God could have orchestrated.
Just to set the record Straight to everyone... there seemed to be some confusion, from people I've spoken to also. I did NOT find my sister on FB. I had searched for 18 years, using P.I's, Internet Adoption Databases, going to the registrar place in Quito, even speaking to the Attorney in S. America who handled our adoption... to no avail. It was Adriana who found ME on one of the adoption data bases. She emailed me from there and then we did the DNA test. FB had nothing to do with it. LOL and it was made more miraculous by the fact that Adriana searched the database, without even knowing if I'd even been adopted, (for all she knew I was still in Ecuador. She didnt know if I was dead or alive.) and found me on the FIRST TRY!! THAT is a miracle!!
Thanks to a generous Christmas Gift from Adriana's parents, she & her daughter Cortney are flying in on APRIL 14th for Mia's birthday. This will be the first time they meet since Mia was 2 years old. (She has no recollection of their previous time together so in essence it is the first meeting.)
Mia will be in attendance with Adriana & Cortney at Praise Covenant Church to share their powerful testimony on Sunday April 15th in both services. 9 & 10:45 please feel free to come and be a witness to this amazing conclusion. Incidentally April 15th is Mia's birthday. ;)
Let me also emphasize while there are many stories of "Long lost siblings" finding each other, their story is unique in the sense that there was literally nothing to connect the 2 girls to each other. Without any information of birthplace, dates, names, no paperwork, made-up information for both girls at separate times... only the knowledge of each others existence out of 7+ Billion people on the planet... it was literally an impossibility. But "With God all things are Possible!"
**Update April 11th 2012**
Talk it up TV-Internet Channel is going to DOCUMENT our entire reunion! So fun!!

Adriana (age 42) has always known she was adopted and even had early memories of her time in Ecuador. She also remembered that she had a younger sister about 1 or 2 years old that had been taken from her when they arrived at the home of the attorney who subsequently handled her adoption to her American family who live in Vermont. She did not have fond memories of her time in Ecuador and the process was traumatic enough that she did not seek out her baby sister although she never forgot her. Recently Adriana decided she would peruse some adoption registries after all and came across a profile for Mia whose story sounded eerily similar. Albeit there were not a whole lot of details she decided to email Mia. It was her very first attempt at finding her sister. What are the odds? After a few emails back and forth sharing the few details they each had, the only way to be certain that they were indeed long-lost sisters was of course a DNA test. After 36 years of waiting and hoping and thinking it was absolutely impossible, Mia’s prayers were answered when on Tuesday Nov. 1st 2011 they received the news that YES indeed they were blood sisters. Currently, neither Adriana or Mia have any plans to meet soon as they do not have the financial ability to do so. But they have both stated a desire to go back to Ecuador at some point in the future. Mia has been back to Ecuador to serve on short term missions teams 4 times since 2006. This is a story of a Miracle that only God could have orchestrated.
Just to set the record Straight to everyone... there seemed to be some confusion, from people I've spoken to also. I did NOT find my sister on FB. I had searched for 18 years, using P.I's, Internet Adoption Databases, going to the registrar place in Quito, even speaking to the Attorney in S. America who handled our adoption... to no avail. It was Adriana who found ME on one of the adoption data bases. She emailed me from there and then we did the DNA test. FB had nothing to do with it. LOL and it was made more miraculous by the fact that Adriana searched the database, without even knowing if I'd even been adopted, (for all she knew I was still in Ecuador. She didnt know if I was dead or alive.) and found me on the FIRST TRY!! THAT is a miracle!!
Thanks to a generous Christmas Gift from Adriana's parents, she & her daughter Cortney are flying in on APRIL 14th for Mia's birthday. This will be the first time they meet since Mia was 2 years old. (She has no recollection of their previous time together so in essence it is the first meeting.)
Mia will be in attendance with Adriana & Cortney at Praise Covenant Church to share their powerful testimony on Sunday April 15th in both services. 9 & 10:45 please feel free to come and be a witness to this amazing conclusion. Incidentally April 15th is Mia's birthday. ;)
Let me also emphasize while there are many stories of "Long lost siblings" finding each other, their story is unique in the sense that there was literally nothing to connect the 2 girls to each other. Without any information of birthplace, dates, names, no paperwork, made-up information for both girls at separate times... only the knowledge of each others existence out of 7+ Billion people on the planet... it was literally an impossibility. But "With God all things are Possible!"
**Update April 11th 2012**
Talk it up TV-Internet Channel is going to DOCUMENT our entire reunion! So fun!!

Adriana, my long-lost sister on the Right.
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