Thursday, June 07, 2007

Its been over a year and here we go again.

Wow. I am so not faithful to this thing. I dont know why. I have been a little tiny bit busy this last year. But really. At any rate so much has happened I dont know where to begin. But the biggest thing is that my husband and I are going to Ecuador for a Short-term Missions Trip this summer for 3 weeks. We are leading a team of 10 wonderful, exuberant, youth. I am so excited to see how my husbands faith is stretched and how we are both humbled. Although not too much humbling will go on I hope. ha ha.. We have been doing service projects and other "training" with the kids for about 9 months. Its been incredible they have grown so much.

The other big thing is that we bought a HOUSE. I can't believe it. We always said we would wait another year, and I dont think we ever thought we would actually ever get approved. But we did and so here we are. Its not my "dream" home. Its a starter home. But I am okay with that now. I am VERY blessed. It has so many things I had hoped for when we began our search. So I am grateful to God for it.

My "Baby" will start Kindergarten in the Fall and my First-born will start Jr. High. I can't believe it. This year has been full of so many wonderful changes all a bit scary but all good. I think its about time. I had a couple years there where everything was crap. So again I feel very grateful.

My step-sis had a baby, thats been a load of fun. Her son is the CUTE-est!! He is nearly 6 months old. So fun.

All for now... my hubby is beckoning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.