Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Reflecting Christ by "Loving ALL"

Wrote this in 2015... How relevant it is today. 
Acting like Christ, Acting in love.
This video actually ANGERS me. Not very loving I know. But watch it:
As CHRISTIANS we should be the FIRST in line to "feed the sheep".
Jesus said:
"If you love me, Keep my commands. If you love me feed my sheep.
When I was hungry you fed me, when I was naked you gave me clothes
whenever you do so to the least of these you have done this for me."
John 21:15-17
John 14:15
Matthew 25:45
If WE are not "savages & sociopaths" if we consider ourselves "CIVILIZED"
(a.k.a. Better than sociopaths and savages) then should we not also believe that
Not minimizing Black Lives Matter. This is not the same context in which I am saying All Lives Matter
But because all lives matter to God. Every life is fearfully and wonderfully made with a purpose:
Psalm 139
Jeremiah 29:11
I remember in the 90’s a worship song that we frequently sang and one of the verses says
“I sing for Joy at the work of your hands...”
Guess what brothers & sisters... every person you encounter, good, bad, ugly and evil is the
work of God’s hands. I believe NOBODY is beyond redemption.
I believe I am called by Christ to love all people the way God does.
*Police Officers
*Women who get abortions
*Babies aborted
*Donald Trump
*Human. beings.
Be that kind of Christian that people who are in need, broken and searching...
RUN to because you are SAFE,
because they KNOW you will help...
because they KNOW you will love them.
Be the kind of Christian that I don't know...ACTS LIKE CHRIST:
Jesus Feeds the 5000 because it was getting late and they were hungry -Matthew 14
Jesus heals the bleeding woman who secretly sought him out - Luke 8
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath, even though it was against the church - Mark 3
Jesus heals the lame man whose friends lowered him through roof -Mark 2.
Over and over again people sought Jesus out because they KNEW He could and would help!!
He NEVER turned his back on people asking for help who genuinely needed it.
WHY do we CONSISTENTLY Place the value of human life on some folks more than others????
WHAT makes us think we are qualified to decide who is the more important human????
Who gets to LIVE and who gets to DIE.
Who gets to have money/healthcare/education/citizenship and Who doesn't?
How do we expect to draw people to Christ if we are consistently misrepresenting Him?
John 13: 34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another;
as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”