Monday, January 15, 2018


Thinking a lot today about Compassionate Jesus. Had a great conversation with Brian about how Jesus was the first true “Humanitarian”.

I like to say I love Jesus and follow Jesus... if that’s true, how can I in my day-to-day life represent Him well.

There are many of you my friends, who do not even believe that Jesus existed. There are some that think he was a real “nice” man... but certainly not a deity.

I say it doesn’t matter. I love the person of Jesus. His life was remarkable and I want to love people fiercely the way He did.

I will give until it hurts. I will GO where others dare not go, to help even one person and let them know they matter! I will reach out to the unlovely and the poor choice makers and the sick and I will hold their hand and not judge them and I will smile and pray for them and offer them whatever hope I am able.

It feels daunting at times. There are so many millions of hurting people in this world. But whatever you can do, matters to that “starfish”.

As I ponder today on the life of MLK and of Jesus and other Martyrs of Love and equality I will not just keep those thoughts in my head or post it on FB. I will GO and put my thoughts & words into action.  Because faith without works is dead...