Sunday, January 05, 2014

Fill in the Gap

Thankful for women, past and present, previous and new... who are willing to love on & speak into the lives of my daughters. Who are willing to hug them, pray with them, listen and especially encourage them!! It definitely takes a village and when I am insufficient, the Lord Graciously provides surrogates to fill in the gaps!

It's especially true and necessary I am discovering when I am going through Crisis. No matter how much my heart longs to be the one they turn to, no matter how much I love them, or want to be their rock. We can't always do that. And I am thankful, that when I am in need of help, there are people there ready to stand by my kids and carry them until I can do it!


The last 3 days I have felt like a misfit, a screw-up, a horrible person, inadequate, unprepared, lost, unsure of myself and broken. I just read that, Grace was designed for the likes of these. And throughout the Bible it is precisely these kinds of people with those same issues that God showed up and revealed Himself to and He didn't stop there, He then used them to fulfill His purpose. Wow. I can't wait to see how God uses me!!