Monday, November 11, 2013

He makes all things new!

The song that inspired this post

Just about exactly one year ago from now, God gave me a "charge" and a promise. To be faithful in prayer...and persistent. Like Elijah who prayed for rain after 3.5 years...All I need is to continue to ask and to lay claim to even a "fist sized" cloud. And then run ahead, in full confidence that the rains will come! At that time...Jesus told my spirit that He will bless me and that there would be "breakthrough" during my season of drought if I remained faithful in prayer...Just like Elijah. But I had almost forgot. I almost allowed what I see with my eyes, and the circumstances of my life to overwhelm me and to cause me to fall on my face, not before the Lord in reverence but in self-pity and shame and utter despair. But the Lord, who has always been a true gentleman to me, met me (again) and boldly reminded me of His promise. And reminded me to DECLARE ..."Let it Rain". So I will choose to lay down my fear, lay down my pride, lay down all that is self and human/from the flesh, and RUN with arms  wide open, expectant, and declaring, Hallelujah, Let it Rain!

Scripture refs: James 5 and 1st  Kings 18