Monday, August 13, 2007

Home again, Home again, jiggity jig

So we just got home on saturday night from Ecuador. (today is monday a.m.) We had so much fun. We were all stretched beyond our comfort zone, and thats probably the way its meant to be in order for God to Grow us. The youth team was amazing, I felt. And I saw so much growth in them, and bonding, and even through some "drama" they came out better than when they went down.

The country is so magnificently beautiful, and I saw places I had never seen before, such as the Coast of Ecuador. So lovely and relaxing. Jack was impressed I think, and the country as a whole was not as "different" or scary as he thought it would be. Nobody got really sick so that was a blessing. I felt everyones prayers for us for sure!

I am glad to be home, but yet anxious to get back there too. I dont know when it will happen, but I do think I'd like the next team to be a team of women! Maybe in Spring of '09.

I will post some pictures soon I hope. But right now my memory card is in the hands of my youth pastor. :o)

God Bless you all...