Thursday, April 06, 2006

Spring Break!

Hi. Its been a few weeks since I last posted here. But believe me I have been working hard on yet another Blog I am doing, but this time for my church. :o)

I have been so anxious lately about Ecuador and not having any answers about it, is very frustrating, for now I have put all plans on the back-burner. We-my husband and I- are going to take a Missionary Prep class, I have heard so many wonderful things about it, but for now that is all.

As for the rest of my life.. I thought I was going to have some "free" time during spring break, like I have had in the past. But to no avail. I have been bogged down with work and meetings... I can't wait til SUMMER though, because I am certain things will slow down by then. At least I hope.

I have been struggling with a lot of things lately, relationships mostly. My husband, my kids, my MOTHER!!! aaaargh. I think God is refining me... because none of the trials are catastrophic just a puzzlement.

"Oh the wells fargo wagon is a comin' down the street, I hope there's something in it for me la la la "

Tension Breaker had to be done. I dont really know what to write tonight. My brain is fried. I have been working soooo hard for an upcoming Womens Retreat for my church and also for my daughters b-day party, and just regular work in general. I am having a hard time not only keeping those things organized but, once again my house is TRASHED!!! Note to self--need to get on that ASAP--

Well this is good-bye for now. Hope everyone out there in Cyberspace is keeping it real.

Love Mia